The summer of 2019 was the third summer for CSAA and AON employees of Northern California to participate in Climbing for Kids. A huge shout out to BAWT Board Member David Sheridan who spent countless hours planning trips, leading his colleagues and friends up Half Dome multiple times this summer, and encouraging his colleagues to push their limits and conquer a mountain all while raising money for BAWT.
This summer, 35 CSAA and AON employees participated in Climbing for Kids. The climbs completed were, Mt. Shasta, Mt. Baker, and Half Dome (x3).
Here’s a breakdown of the amazing feats they accomplished this summer:
Take a look at these videos of from two Climbing for Kids participants:
Eric Chen’s Vlog of Half Dome
Matt Strube’s Mt. Shasta Experience
If you’re interested in doing a Climbing for Kids trip this coming year, send an email to